Books Published

Title: Solved Programs Using C
Authors: Dr. S. Amutha, Dr. Suseela Sellamuthu, Dr. M. Anline Rejula,
Dr. B. Surendiran,ISBN No: 978-93-6260-312-8: Charulatha Publications-March 2024

Title: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Dr.R.Krithiga, Dr.Suseela Sellamuthu, Dr.R.M.Bhavadharani
ISBN-10 935515853X,ISBN-9355158536 :Publications:Book Rivers-2023

Book Chapter Publication

Sellamuthu Suseela, Eswari Rajagopal, and Nickolas Savarimuthu. “Poisson-Based Energy Hole Prediction (PBEHP) for Voronoi Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network.” In Cloud of Things, pp. 293-307. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2024.

Saravanan, M., Sellamuthu, S., Bhardwaj, S., Mishr, C., & Parthasarathy, R. (2023). A Deep Learning Techniques for Brain Tumor Severity Level (K-CNN-BTSL) Using MRI Images. In Artificial Intelligence for Societal Issues (pp. 271-288). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Book Article

Technical Trends on “An Indispensable Emerging Technology to Everyone – Cloud Computing” in CSI Communications, ISSN 0970-647X Volume No. 43 | Issue No. 7 | OCTOBER 2019.

Cover Story on” Cyber-Physical System (CPS) and its Implication” in CSI Communications, ISSN 0970-647X. Volume No.41, Issue No. 9, December 2017.

Article on “ICT in Agriculture -Indispensable” in CSI Communications, ISSN 0970-647X, Volume No.37, Issue No. 8, November 2013.

Article on “Bigdata” published in CSI Communications, ISSN 0970-647X, Volume No.37, Issue No. 1, April 2013.


Sellamuthu Suseela, and Sharon Rose. "Enhanced Special Needs Assessment: A Multimodal Approach for Autism Prediction." IEEE Access (2024).12, pp. 121688–121699.

Sankaramurthy, Padmini, Renukadevi Palaniswamy, Suseela Sellamuthu Fancy Chelladurai, and Anand Murugadhas. Network: Computation in Neural Systems (2024): 1-34."Lung disease prediction based on CT images using REInf-net and world cup optimization based BI-LSTM classification." IEEE Access (2024).12, pp. 121688–121699.

Bhavadharini, R. M., Suseela SellamuthuG. Sudhakaran, and Ahmed A. Elngar. "Fuzzy based Energy Efficient Rider Remora Routing protocol for secured communication in WSN network. " Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 44 (2024): 101043.

Suseela, S.,Krithiga, R., Revathi, M., Sudhakaran, G., & Bhavadharini, R. M. (2024). Energy-aware optimal routing model for wireless multimedia sensor networks using modified Voronoi assisted prioritized double deep Q‐learning. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 36(6), e7945.

Ahamed, B., Suseela, S.,Karri, P. N., Srinivas, I. V., Zabeeulla, A. M., & Kumar, M. A. (2023). Design of an energy-efficient IOT device-assisted wearable sensor platform for healthcare data management. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 36(6), e7945.

Gnana Malar, A. J., Sellamuthu, S.,Ganga, M., Mahendran, N., Hoseinzadeh, S., & Ahilan, A. (2024). Power System Planning and Cost Forecasting Using Hybrid Particle Swarm-Harris Hawks Optimizations. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 19(2), 1023-1031.

Sellamuthu, S., Vaddadi, S. A., Venkata, S., Petwal, H., Hosur, R., Mandala, V., ... & singh, J. (2023). AI-based recommendation model for effective decision to maximise ROI. Soft Computing, 1-10.

Kavitha, A., Koppala Guravaiah, R. Leela Velusamy,S. Suseela, and Dhilip Kumar. "DR‐NAP: Data reduction strategy using neural adaptation phenomenon in wireless sensor networks". International Journal of Communication Systems 36, no. 8 (2023): e5467.

Suseela, S., Eswari, R., & Savarimuthu, N. (2022). A voronoi-ant colony-based routing (VoR-Ant-R) algorithm for WMSNs.International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), 13(2), 1-19.

Suseela, S., Eswari, R., Nickolas, S., & Saravanan, M. (2020).QoS optimization through PBMR algorithm in multipath wireless multimedia sensor networks.Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 13, 1248-1259.

Thenmozhi, M., Saravanan, M., Kumar, K. P. M.,Suseela, S., & Deepan, S. (2020). Improving the prediction rate of unusual behaviors of animals in poultry using deep learning techniques.Soft Computing, 24, 14491-14502.

Suseela, S., (2021). Artificial Intelligence-based CHATBOT for PMIST websites. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 2047-2051.

Geetha, P., Gnanam, A., &Suseela, S., (2019.)Unitary Partition Algorithm in Shortest Path Problems.International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(3).

Suseela, S., Jeevanantham, A. Kavitha, M. Saravanan, and A. E. Narayanan. Challenging issues for handling multimedia data in wireless multimedia sensor networks. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 16, no. 4 (2019): 1215-1220.

Other Journals

Dr.S.Buvaneswari,S. Suseela ,, B.Sri Ranjani,(202) . A Study on Fuzzy Blocks and Fuzzy Cycles in Graph Theory Aut Aut Research Journal, Vol.11(8) ,August/2020.(UGC Care II). ISSN No:0005-0601.

S. Michael Mathan,. M. Mohamed Anies, M. Nishar Ahamed, S.Suseela , (2020) K.Vinitha . Bigdata Versus Social Media Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN NO: 0022-1945, Volume XII, Issue V, May/2020, ISSN NO: 0022-1945,Page No:1521(UGC Care II)

S Hariharan, S. Suseela . "Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT" IJRAR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2019(E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138), (UGC Journal.)

Dr.S.Buvaneswari,S. Suseela .and C.Gowri, A Study on Edge-Magic Total Labeling on Tree Comparing to Sudoku Aut Aut Research Journal, Vol.11 (8) , August/2020.(UGC Care II).ISSN No:0005-0601.

D.A.Agnes Archana ,Y.Bhuvaneswari,S. Suseela .and C.Gowri, Crypto Currency System for protecting Social Media by Cryptography International Journal of Research in Advent Technolog(IJRAT) ,Special Issue (E-ISSN:2321-9637).

S.Aiswariya, V.Jonsi Rani, S.Sakthi, S.Soundariya, S.Suseela. Enhancing Energy based Localization and Tracking using AWKNN Algorithm in Wireless Sensor NetworkInternational Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue E-ISSN:2321-9637, October 2018.Google Scholar. UGC Journal.

S.Aiswariya, V.Jonsi Rani, S.Suseela. Challenges, Technologies and Components of ireless Sensor Networks.International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, NCICCT - 2018 Conference Proceedings, Special Issue – 2018, Google Scholar, Vol 6, Issue 3 –UGC Journal.

A.Ishwaria, T.Nandhini,S.Suseela. "Spend Analysis in Super Market Data" International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ICONNECT – 2018 , Vol. 6(7),April 2018.ISSN:2278-0181.

P.S.Meenalakshmi, K.Abinaya S.Suseela. "Social Impact of Cyber Physical System " International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering Technology ,Special Issue April-2018, pp. 113-117, e-ISSN:2278-621X.Global Impact Factor-0.685/1. Google Scholar.

T. Devendran ,D.A.Agnes Archana.,S.Suseela. "Challenges and Issues of Health care in Internet of Things (IOT). " International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering Technology. Special Issue April-2018, pp. 113-117, e-ISSN:2278-621X.Global Impact Factor-0.685/1. Google Scholar.

T. Gobika, T. Nandhini, S.Suseela. "Survey on Wireless Technologies in Industry Applications " International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, ICONNECT - 2017 Conference Proceedings, Special Issue – 2017,Google Scholar. Volume 5, Issue 13.

S.Suseela. R.Eswari and S.Nickolas "Impact of Wireless Technologies in Routing Protocols on Wireless Sensor Networks"International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems(ICACCS-2017),Jan,06-07,2017.IEEE ISBN No.978-1-5090-4558-7.

S.Suseela. S. Jeevanantham A Survey on Routing Protocols Influencing Mobile Sink in enhancing life time of WSN for Data Gathering IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 18, Issue 5, Ver. I (Sept - Oct. 2016), PP 72-79. Google Scholar.

R .Mahalakshmi, S.Suseela. "Big-SoSA : Social sentiment analysis and data visualization on Big Data." In International Journal Of Advanced Research In Comport And Communication Engineering, Vol 4 , Issue 4 Apirl 2015 :No:1 :ISSN:2278-1021 with Global Impact Factor 4.582 . Google Scholar.

S.Suseela. "Effect and Defense of Recourse Depletion Attacks in Wireless Adhoc Sensor Networks" International Journal of Technology & Systems, Vol 3:No:1 :ISSN:2227-9825(Jan-June 2014) with Global Impact Factor 0.412.Google Scholar.

T-VEB: Tamil Voice Enabled Web Browser in PMU Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Volume No.1 ISSN:0976-4240 Jan-Jun 2010.